📂 Assiel's Mod Assortment

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welcome to assiel's mod assortment! here i'll release my mods that i've created publicly :Dclick on the "folders" button above to start navigating!

📂 Darker Lakshmi

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this mod basically does what it says on the tin! it changes lakshmi's skin to be brown and makes her hair color much darker. though for some reason her skin is really shiny and i'm not entirely sure how to fix that sorry LOL...also you might have already noticed but the compression is really bad D: i think that's just another xiv limitation but i might revisit this later and try to fix iti'm pretty sure i applied it to all of her models but if you notice that i forgot one feel free to contact me and i'll update this mod to include it!(originally released on xma on 4/21/21)credits
luciel (@funkypjz) for requesting this mod and designing the preview image for me!

📂 Darker G'raha Pack

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UPDATE 6/21/21: for some reason i forgot 5.3 g'raha's gloves... there's a link to a ttmp2 below that should fix it!

the darker g'raha pack darkens the skin tones of all the variations of g'raha tia throughout the game! originally inspired by a friend's design of 5.3 g'raha, it grew into a fully-fledged mod that works great in cutscenes! this would definitely be used best in combination with the "scions of the melanin dawn" mod (i've put a link to it at the bottom of the page!)there is a small seam on the crystal exarch's neck that can be really annoying to look at once you notice it... unfortunately this is not a problem i can solve easily. i apologize orzif i missed any of his outfits or you find any strange occurences with this particular mod, please do not hesitate to contact me and i'll do my best to fix it!credits
uriel - requested that i make this mod in the first place!
crow (@rhythmechoes) - created the art that inspired this mod!! (link below!)
minou - upscaled npc face + eye textures
eli (@dancingpIague) + mia (@lydhalran) - general assistance (much appreciated!! ^_^)

the coat that g'raha wears in 6.0 isn't updated to support this mod unfortunately and idk if i'll get around to fixing it LOL sorry

📂 Project Hext

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i'm not going to update this to support endwalker in any way, shape, or form (idk if it broke much anyway but.)
PLEASE go download scions of the melanin dawn instead!! it's infinitely better than this one i promise.
i'll leave this page up just for legacy purposes but. yeah please just click the link below <3

project hext's public beta is now available!!
please report any bugs by DMing me on twitter!! thank you very much. love you all <3
please read the readme.txt included in the .zip file!!project hext, also known as the "darker skin for midlander/elezen/miqote" mod, aims to darken the skintones of all female midlander based races. originally, this mod was a request from my dear friend nico to make lyse nonwhite... hence the name project hext!it kind of evolved from there as i realized that in order to make the mod not look strange on midlander-based models OTHER than lyse, i had to make everyone else have darker skin... so that's what i did!heads up: this mod affects npcs AND player characters!note: if you take a cool screenshot using this mod and want it to be featured let me know!! i need more preview images for this page so i'd be happy to do so ^_^credits
nico (@yehnafray) - requested that i make this mod in the first place!!
skye - upscales of NPC faces
minou - upscales of player faces and eye textures
illyriana/bizu/tsar - bibo+ textures

📂 The Dealmaker

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are you a fan of a certain manlet salesman from toby fox's hit game DELTARUNE? this is the mod for you!!this is a faithful recreation of the glasses worn by none other than spamton g. spamton himself. now your characters can be [Big Shots] too!!unisex + works with all tall races!! (it does technically work on lalafell but the positioning is off </3)replaces the behemoth earring!credits
mallow (@Mallowxiv) - helped a lot with the creation of this mod as a whole!! tysm - i really appreciate it ^_^

📂 Contact Me

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need to report a bug? have a comment? anything else that needs my immediate attention?
please see my contact information below and i'll get back to you as soon as possible!

dm me or mention me in a tweet on twitter!

📂 Changelog

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0.0.3 (5/21/21)
- open beta released!
- new addon for slightly darker haired lyse
0.0.2 (5/21/21)
- fixed two miqo'te faces that i overlooked
- added a fix for ysayle's robe not showing up properly
0.0.1 (5/21/21)
- closed beta released!